Parish council meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7.30 pm in the village hall committee room.

Agendas will be posted on the parish council website and the meeting date will be publicised on the parish council Facebook page.

Anyone wishing to make comments on an agenda item, or raise any issue in the public forum (the time allocated at the start of each meeting for public participation), must email the clerk no later than 24 hours before the meeting. Anyone wishing to observe a meeting without participating in the public forum is welcome to attend without giving notice, but it is advisable to contact the clerk beforehand in case there are any last-minute changes.

To contact the clerk, email:


  • 15 January
  • 19 February
  • 18 March
  • 15 April
  • May – annual village meeting TBC
  • 20 May (annual parish meeting)
  • 17 June
  • 15 July
  • 16 September
  • 21 October
  • 18 November


  • 1 January Monday New Year’s Day
  • 29 March Friday Good Friday
  • 1 April Monday Easter Monday
  • 6 May Monday Early May bank holiday
  • 27 May Monday Spring bank holiday
  • 26 August Monday Summer bank holiday
  • 25 December Wednesday Christmas Day
  • 26 December Thursday Boxing Day